Saturday, November 22, 2008

What was your favorite pastime as a child?

Virginia Nell and I had tricycles and rode the concrete walk that Daddy made--from the well to the pasture. Mother even let us ride in the house! We played "Mail Carrier" delivering Mama & Daddy's love letters! They let us read them.

Our yard was large & often full of youngsters. We played "Hide & Seek," :Drop the Handkerchief," Hopescotch & Jump Rope.

Daddy built us a huge swing, a see saw, a Flying Jenny & a Ferris wheel.

We liked to slide down the barn roof, sitting on "tow sacks."

Daddy spent many Sunday afternoons teaching us & our friends to stand on our heads and doing back bends.

Mother let us have lawn parties in the summer time.

Monopoly was a favorite board game.

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